The 2018 Alliance Meeting, Allied Professionals Forum and International Symposium on ALS/MND will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. This year’s meetings are generously hosted by MND Scotland. More information appears below.

Glasgow 2018
Dates and Registration:
Tuesday, 4 December – Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Glasgow
Each member association can name 2 official representatives to register at the delegate rate of £200.
Additional representatives and non-members should register as observer at the rate of £250.
Registration includes refreshments, lunch and dinner on 4 and 5 December.
Please note: PALS may register 1 carer free of charge for the Alliance Meeting. Please register under the PALS name, and there will be an option to add carer(s) on the next page. If you have any problems with registration, email
Thursday, 6 December 2018 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
We will open to abstract submissions on 1 April, with a deadline of 4 May. Submit your abstract here.
The APF rate is £100 and includes lunch and refreshments.
PALS may register 1 carer free of charge for the APF. Please register under the PALS name, and there will be an option to add carer(s) on the next page. If you have any problems with registration, email
Friday, 7 December – Sunday, 9 December 2018 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
Learn more about the Symposium on the MND Association’s website.
Symposium rates are based on date. The early bird rate (through 22 August) is £400. Registration includes lunch and refreshments.
Contact if you need information on PALS and CALS registration.
Host Organisation:
MND Scotland
2nd Floor
City View
6 Eagle Street
Glasgow G4 9XA, United Kingdom
+44 141 332 3903
Venue Information:
Crowne Plaza Glasgow (Venue for Annual Alliance Meeting)
Congress Road
Glasgow G3 8QT, United Kingdom
+44 871 942 9091
Scottish Event Campus (SEC) (Venue for APF and Symposium)
Exhibition Way
Glasgow G3 8YW, UK
Hotel Information:
Details on how to book a room at the conference hotel, along with other hotels in the area, will soon be available on the MND Association’s website.
Please note that hotel rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Book early to guarantee your spot.
Accessible rooms are also available on a first come, first served basis. Book your room early and contact the hotel directly to reserve an accessible space.
Assistance for PALS and CALS:
If you need any specialised disability equipment for people with ALS/MND on-site in Glasgow, please contact our local host association, MND Scotland: Their staff can help you find equipment locally, but you must get in touch at least 6 weeks before the Meetings.